Friday, October 23, 2009


It's happened a couple of times recently that an adult being playful with Ben teases him by holding out an object and then pulling it away when he reaches for it. And clearly, clearly this is not meant with any kind of mean-spiritedness. And yet, damn, what a nasty trick to play on a toddler. He's not in on the joke. The joke is on him. Little idiot, reaching for an object held out to him, ha ha ha.

I'm not sure what to say. To a friend, I feel pretty comfortable with a light-hearted, "Dude, that's a kind of a dick move, teasing a toddler." But what do I say to a stranger?

1 comment:

Shopkeeper said...

To a stranger, you say: "Dude, that's a kind of a dick move, teasing a toddler." Only you say it with a little nastier tone. Will those dicky dudes never learn?